Aitor Loizaga
«La comprensión de los problemas de fundición requiere de una visión global del proceso, en el que intervienen infinidad de parámetros que afectan a su resultado final y a su eficiencia. Sin embargo, el abordaje de dichos problemas debe realizarse a través de objetivos específicos de mejora que permitan ir adquiriendo el control y la estabilización del mismo.»
El equipo de Materiales Férreos desarrolla nuevos materiales, sistemas de control, tecnologías y procesos que permiten fabricar componentes con propiedades optimizadas y procesos de fabricación industrial más eficientes. Con este fin trabajan aspectos como: la #calidad metalúrgica, la #mejora del rendimiento, el #ahorro de costes y materias primas, las #tecnologías de fabricación e #Industria 4.0 o el #lead time de la producción y la #fabricabilidad de nuevos diseños.

Effect of Silicon and Graphite Degeneration on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ductile Cast Irons in Open Air
The use of high silicon ductile irons is increasing as they offer some advantages with

A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems
Crystallization of graphite during the solidification and cooling of cast iron to room temperature has

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production
One of the most important facts in foundry industry when producing ductile iron castings is

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron
Gray iron, a Fe-C-Si alloy, is one of the most common ferrous alloys used in

Integration of a novel mechanical sand reclamation technology in a steel foundry to maximise SFS valorisation in foundry and construction applications
Spent Foundry Sand (SFS) generation is intrinsic to metal casting processes. Most of the foundries

Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron
Compacted graphite cast irons are rapidly developing for they have better mechanical properties than lamellar

The Influence of Trace Elements on the Nature of the Nuclei of Graphite in Ductile Iron
Nucleation mechanisms and the effect of minor elements added with the inoculants are still a

Reassessment of Crystal Growth Theory of Graphite in Cast Iron
The problem of graphite crystallization and growth in cast iron has recently received increased attention.