A sound vacuum system fully monitored to ensure the quality of the HPDC components

Visita a AZTERLAN en GIFA 2023

Life the experience at GIFA 2023

Additive Manufactured inserts for Industry 4.0 HPDC Foundries

A Smart Digital Twin to Stabilize Return Sand Temperature without Using Coolers

New ductile cast iron digital grades for automotive components

Towards the Prediction of Tensile Properties in Automotive Cast Parts Manufactured by LPDC with the A356.2 Alloy

Fabricación de herramientas de conformado con circuitos de refrigeración subcutáneos mediante laser cladding

New generation of digital material for automotive components

Visita el stand de AZTERLAN en EUROGUSS 2024

Life the experience at GIFA 2023

Control de procesos metalúrgicos para la optimización de componentes en fundición de hierro

A sound vacuum system fully monitored to ensure the quality of the HPDC components

Additive Manufactured inserts for Industry 4.0 HPDC Foundries

marzo 30, 2022

A Smart Digital Twin to Stabilize Return Sand Temperature without Using Coolers

New ductile cast iron digital grades for automotive components

Towards the Prediction of Tensile Properties in Automotive Cast Parts Manufactured by LPDC with the A356.2 Alloy

enero 21, 2021

Fabricación de herramientas de conformado con circuitos de refrigeración subcutáneos mediante laser cladding

New generation of digital material for automotive components

enero 21, 2021

Control de procesos metalúrgicos para la optimización de componentes en fundición de hierro

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