Método para preparar un recubrimiento aditivo de acero inoxidable

TREAT – Optimización de tratamientos térmicos (metodología)

Diseño experimental de ensayo de caracterización y validación de aceros de tubos a temperaturas criogénicas mediante Small Punch Test

Small Punch Test on Jominy Bars for High-Throughput Characterization of Quenched and Tempered Steel

Ultrasonic Atomization and L-DED Application of a custom tool steel

Metallic Powder Manufacture for Conditioning Cast Iron as an Additive Manufacturing Substrate

Hydrogen permeation testing parameter exploration for high-entropy alloys

ZnNi coating on UHSS for aeronautical applications: effect of base material and coating’s microstructure on the degassing process for preventing hydrogen embrittlement

Estimation of damage parameters for ductile fracture of Zn-Ni coated ultra-high strength 300M steel using a finite element model

Proceso y aparato de alto vacío para fundición inyectada

junio 30, 2021

Método para preparar un recubrimiento aditivo de acero inoxidable

Diseño experimental de ensayo de caracterización y validación de aceros de tubos a temperaturas criogénicas mediante Small Punch Test

Small Punch Test on Jominy Bars for High-Throughput Characterization of Quenched and Tempered Steel

Ultrasonic Atomization and L-DED Application of a custom tool steel

Metallic Powder Manufacture for Conditioning Cast Iron as an Additive Manufacturing Substrate

Hydrogen permeation testing parameter exploration for high-entropy alloys

ZnNi coating on UHSS for aeronautical applications: effect of base material and coating’s microstructure on the degassing process for preventing hydrogen embrittlement

Estimation of damage parameters for ductile fracture of Zn-Ni coated ultra-high strength 300M steel using a finite element model

junio 30, 2021

Proceso y aparato de alto vacío para fundición inyectada

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