Density change upon solidification of silicon cast irons

Optimization of ductile iron casting production by using advanced thermal analysis and simulation techniques

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Revisiting Thermal Analysis of Hypereutectic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Método para predecir el grado de esferoidización en zonas definidas de piezas de fundición grafítica esferoidal

Sistema de predicción del índice de grafitización en zonas específicas de piezas de fundición de grafito vermicular

Método para el diseño de sistemas de alimentación de piezas de fundición

A Computer-Aided System for Melt Quality and Shrinkage Propensity Evaluation Based on the Solidification Process of Ductile Iron

Density change upon solidification of silicon cast irons

Optimization of ductile iron casting production by using advanced thermal analysis and simulation techniques

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Revisiting Thermal Analysis of Hypereutectic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Método para predecir el grado de esferoidización en zonas definidas de piezas de fundición grafítica esferoidal

Sistema de predicción del índice de grafitización en zonas específicas de piezas de fundición de grafito vermicular

Método para el diseño de sistemas de alimentación de piezas de fundición

A Computer-Aided System for Melt Quality and Shrinkage Propensity Evaluation Based on the Solidification Process of Ductile Iron

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