The mechanism of intermediate temperature embrittlement of cast irons by magnesium

Método para producir una pieza de hierro fundido con resistencia mejorada a la corrosión y/o al desgaste, y el componente fundido obtenido mediante dicho método

Componentes resistentes a la corrosión marina mediante recubrimientos CRA

Effects of Different Si Content and Thermal Stories on the Secondary Phase Formation, Hot Ductility, and Stress Rupture Properties of Alloy 718 Investment Castings

Intermediate temperature brittleness of a high-silicon spheroidal graphite cast iron

Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Desarrollo de ensayos dinámicos de crecimiento de grieta en aceros para aplicaciones off-shore

Pseudo-passive films on cast irons: A strategy to mitigate corrosion by acting directly on microstructure

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Mechanical properties optimization of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron as a function of section size and holding time

The mechanism of intermediate temperature embrittlement of cast irons by magnesium

junio 30, 2021

Método para producir una pieza de hierro fundido con resistencia mejorada a la corrosión y/o al desgaste, y el componente fundido obtenido mediante dicho método

Componentes resistentes a la corrosión marina mediante recubrimientos CRA

Effects of Different Si Content and Thermal Stories on the Secondary Phase Formation, Hot Ductility, and Stress Rupture Properties of Alloy 718 Investment Castings

Intermediate temperature brittleness of a high-silicon spheroidal graphite cast iron

Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Desarrollo de ensayos dinámicos de crecimiento de grieta en aceros para aplicaciones off-shore

Pseudo-passive films on cast irons: A strategy to mitigate corrosion by acting directly on microstructure

A new approach of casting simulation tools integrated in the production line

Mechanical properties optimization of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron as a function of section size and holding time

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