Aluminio secundario con propiedades mecánicas optimizadas

Get rid of low value finishing operations. Gain efficiency, safe costs.

Utilization of steel slag as mold material for green molding castings to minimize silica dust in foundry process

New EoL routes of Al Li aircraft integral LBW and FSW welded panels including new Cr free coatings

REVaMP. Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Experimental validation of steel slag as thermal energy storage material in a 400 kWht prototype

Spent foundry sand valorization in construction sector through the validation of high-performance applications

Aluminio secundario con propiedades mecánicas optimizadas

Get rid of low value finishing operations. Gain efficiency, safe costs.

Utilization of steel slag as mold material for green molding castings to minimize silica dust in foundry process

New EoL routes of Al Li aircraft integral LBW and FSW welded panels including new Cr free coatings

REVaMP. Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Experimental validation of steel slag as thermal energy storage material in a 400 kWht prototype

Spent foundry sand valorization in construction sector through the validation of high-performance applications

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