Effect of selected alloying elements on mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast irons

Microstructure investigation of small section nodular iron castings with chunky graphite

Thermal analysis as a microstructure prediction tool for A356 aluminium parts solidified under various cooling conditions

Carbon content control during the production process of high carbon brake discs

Effect of Carbon Equivalent on Graphite Formation in Heavy-Section Ductile Iron Parts

Experimental investigation of chunky graphite formation in small-section ductile iron castings

Control del contenido de carbono a lo largo del proceso de fabricación de discos de freno de alto carbono

Effect of antimony on the eutectic reaction of heavy-section spheroidal graphite castings

Método para el diseño de sistemas de alimentación de piezas de fundición

La predicción de resultados en procesos industriales Una herramienta de control basada en el Conocimiento

Effect of selected alloying elements on mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast irons

Microstructure investigation of small section nodular iron castings with chunky graphite

Thermal analysis as a microstructure prediction tool for A356 aluminium parts solidified under various cooling conditions

Carbon content control during the production process of high carbon brake discs

Effect of Carbon Equivalent on Graphite Formation in Heavy-Section Ductile Iron Parts

Experimental investigation of chunky graphite formation in small-section ductile iron castings

Control del contenido de carbono a lo largo del proceso de fabricación de discos de freno de alto carbono

Effect of antimony on the eutectic reaction of heavy-section spheroidal graphite castings

Método para el diseño de sistemas de alimentación de piezas de fundición

La predicción de resultados en procesos industriales Una herramienta de control basada en el Conocimiento

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