A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

The Influence of Trace Elements on the Nature of the Nuclei of Graphite in Ductile Iron

Reassessment of Crystal Growth Theory of Graphite in Cast Iron

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Cinética de nucleación y crecimiento del grafito en diferentes etapas de solidificación del hierro de grafito esferoidal

Active Mg Estimation Using Thermal Analysis: A Rapid Method to Control Nodularity in Ductile Cast Iron Production

Understanding Superfine Graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

The Influence of Trace Elements on the Nature of the Nuclei of Graphite in Ductile Iron

Reassessment of Crystal Growth Theory of Graphite in Cast Iron

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Cinética de nucleación y crecimiento del grafito en diferentes etapas de solidificación del hierro de grafito esferoidal

Active Mg Estimation Using Thermal Analysis: A Rapid Method to Control Nodularity in Ductile Cast Iron Production

Understanding Superfine Graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

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