Effect of the Type of Inoculant on the Shrinkage Porosity of High Silicon SG Iron

Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Nodule Count, End of Solidification Cooling Rate, and Shrinkage Porosity Correlations in High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Iron

Study of Graphite Nucleation in High Sulfur Ductile Irons

Determination of Microshrinkage Risk Index in Ductile Cast Iron Production

Hopper-skeletal and hemispherical crystallization of graphite in iron–carbon–silicon alloys

Un método para controlar la microestructura ausferrítica as-cast en piezas de fundición dúctil

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

Effect of the Type of Inoculant on the Shrinkage Porosity of High Silicon SG Iron

Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

marzo 30, 2022

Nodule Count, End of Solidification Cooling Rate, and Shrinkage Porosity Correlations in High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Iron

Study of Graphite Nucleation in High Sulfur Ductile Irons

Determination of Microshrinkage Risk Index in Ductile Cast Iron Production

Hopper-skeletal and hemispherical crystallization of graphite in iron–carbon–silicon alloys

junio 30, 2021

Un método para controlar la microestructura ausferrítica as-cast en piezas de fundición dúctil

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

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