Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Método para la producción as-cast de fundición dúctil ausferrítica

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

Fundición gris con grafito superfino, alta fracción primaria de austenita y propiedades mecánicas optimizadas

Influence of 1 wt-% addition of Ni on structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons

Gray cast iron with high austenite-to eutectic ratio. Part II. Increasing the austenite-to eutectic ratio trough inoculation

Gray cast iron with high austenite to eutectic ratio. Part I. Calculation and experimental evaluation of the fraction of primary austenite in cast iron

Influence of wt.% addition of Ni on the structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons

Experimental evidence of metallurgical modification associated to chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron castings

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

junio 29, 2021

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Método para la producción as-cast de fundición dúctil ausferrítica

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

Fundición gris con grafito superfino, alta fracción primaria de austenita y propiedades mecánicas optimizadas

Influence of 1 wt-% addition of Ni on structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons

Gray cast iron with high austenite-to eutectic ratio. Part II. Increasing the austenite-to eutectic ratio trough inoculation

Gray cast iron with high austenite to eutectic ratio. Part I. Calculation and experimental evaluation of the fraction of primary austenite in cast iron

Influence of wt.% addition of Ni on the structural and mechanical properties of ferritic ductile irons

Experimental evidence of metallurgical modification associated to chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron castings

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