Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Effect of microalloying element addition on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of A356 secondary alloy with 0.30% Fe

Interface characterization of aluminium casting reinforced steel inserts

Comparative Study of Different Interfaces of Steel inserts in Aluminium Castings

Mejora de microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de aleaciones secundarias de Aluminio-Silicio

Effect of the Thermal Modulus and Mould Type on the Grain Size of AlSi7Mg Alloy

Study of the Effect of Cooling Rate on Eutectic Modification in A356 Aluminium Alloys

AZTERLAN centro tecnológico de referencia

Relationship between casting modulus and grain size in cast A356 aluminium alloys

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Effect of microalloying element addition on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of A356 secondary alloy with 0.30% Fe

Interface characterization of aluminium casting reinforced steel inserts

Comparative Study of Different Interfaces of Steel inserts in Aluminium Castings

enero 21, 2021

Mejora de microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de aleaciones secundarias de Aluminio-Silicio

Effect of the Thermal Modulus and Mould Type on the Grain Size of AlSi7Mg Alloy

Study of the Effect of Cooling Rate on Eutectic Modification in A356 Aluminium Alloys

Relationship between casting modulus and grain size in cast A356 aluminium alloys

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