Desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones secundarias para fabricación de componentes dúctiles mediante tecnología de VHPDC

Experimental and CFD Modeling of the Degree of Eutectic Modification in A356 Silica Sand and Metal-Mold Castings

Experimental and CFD Modeling of Microshrinkage in A356 Silica Sand Mold Castings

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a New Secondary AlSi10MnMg (Fe) Alloy for Ductile High Pressure Die Casting Parts for the Automotive Industry

Effect of solution heat treatment on gas porosity and mechanical properties in a die cast step test part manufactured with a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy

Reciclado eficiente de aleaciones de aluminio de última generación para la industria aeronáutica

Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis

Nuevas exigencias del sector de automoción de piezas estructurales fundidas con peso reducido

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

enero 21, 2021

Desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones secundarias para fabricación de componentes dúctiles mediante tecnología de VHPDC

Experimental and CFD Modeling of the Degree of Eutectic Modification in A356 Silica Sand and Metal-Mold Castings

Experimental and CFD Modeling of Microshrinkage in A356 Silica Sand Mold Castings

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a New Secondary AlSi10MnMg (Fe) Alloy for Ductile High Pressure Die Casting Parts for the Automotive Industry

Effect of solution heat treatment on gas porosity and mechanical properties in a die cast step test part manufactured with a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy

enero 21, 2021

Reciclado eficiente de aleaciones de aluminio de última generación para la industria aeronáutica

Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis

enero 21, 2021

Nuevas exigencias del sector de automoción de piezas estructurales fundidas con peso reducido

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

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