Microstructure Changes During Solidification of Cast Irons: Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculation on Competitive Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Growth

Chunky graphite in spheroidal graphite iron: Review of recent results and definition of an predicting index

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Evolution of shrinkage with carbon equivalent and inoculation in ductile cast irons

Effects of high silicon contents on graphite morphology and room temperature mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic ductile cast irons. Part II – Mechanical properties

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Effect of Tin on the Phase Transformations of Cast Irons

Chunky graphite formation in ductile cast irons: Effect of silicon, carbon and rare earths

Influencia del carbono, silicio, níquel y otros elementos de aleación sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal en bruto de colada

Microstructure Changes During Solidification of Cast Irons: Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculation on Competitive Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Growth

Chunky graphite in spheroidal graphite iron: Review of recent results and definition of an predicting index

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Evolution of shrinkage with carbon equivalent and inoculation in ductile cast irons

Effects of high silicon contents on graphite morphology and room temperature mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic ductile cast irons. Part II – Mechanical properties

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Effect of Tin on the Phase Transformations of Cast Irons

marzo 30, 2022

Chunky graphite formation in ductile cast irons: Effect of silicon, carbon and rare earths

Influencia del carbono, silicio, níquel y otros elementos de aleación sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal en bruto de colada

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