Visita el stand de AZTERLAN en EUROGUSS 2024

Life the experience at GIFA 2023

Improved mechanical properties in A356-T6 alloy using ablation technology

Grain Size Prediction Model in Aluminium Castings Manufactured by Low Pressure Technology

Método de predicción de la estructura de una pieza moldeada en una aleación de aluminio

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Effect of the Thermal Modulus and Mould Type on the Grain Size of AlSi7Mg Alloy

Study of the Effect of Cooling Rate on Eutectic Modification in A356 Aluminium Alloys

Improved mechanical properties in A356-T6 alloy using ablation technology

Grain Size Prediction Model in Aluminium Castings Manufactured by Low Pressure Technology

junio 30, 2021

Método de predicción de la estructura de una pieza moldeada en una aleación de aluminio

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Effect of the Thermal Modulus and Mould Type on the Grain Size of AlSi7Mg Alloy

Study of the Effect of Cooling Rate on Eutectic Modification in A356 Aluminium Alloys

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