New generation of digital material for automotive components

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

When is a Cast Iron Eutectic?

Estudio del efecto de inoculantes comerciales en la disminución de la micro-porosidad en componentes fundidos de hierro de alto silicio

Effect of the Type of Inoculant on the Shrinkage Porosity of High Silicon SG Iron

Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Nodule Count, End of Solidification Cooling Rate, and Shrinkage Porosity Correlations in High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Iron

Quantitative Analysis of Solidification of Compacted Graphite Irons – A Modelling Approach

New generation of digital material for automotive components

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

When is a Cast Iron Eutectic?

junio 29, 2021

Estudio del efecto de inoculantes comerciales en la disminución de la micro-porosidad en componentes fundidos de hierro de alto silicio

Effect of the Type of Inoculant on the Shrinkage Porosity of High Silicon SG Iron

Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

marzo 30, 2022

Nodule Count, End of Solidification Cooling Rate, and Shrinkage Porosity Correlations in High Silicon Spheroidal Graphite Iron

junio 29, 2021

Quantitative Analysis of Solidification of Compacted Graphite Irons – A Modelling Approach

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