Evolution of the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron during the Thermal Cycle of the Melt: Furnace – Ladle – Heating/Pouring Unit

Damping behaviour of high silicon nodular cast iron

Intermediate temperature brittleness of a high-silicon spheroidal graphite cast iron

Método y composición de los aditivos para la preparación de la fundición dúctil, y la fundición dúctil que se obtiene por dicho método

Effect of Silicon on the Metastable Eutectic Temperature of Fe–C–Si Alloys

An adaptive approach to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of cast irons containing precipitated graphite particles with the help of magnetoacoustic emission

An Objective Metallographic Analysis Approach Based on Advanced Image Processing Techniques

Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Metastable versus stable solidification of silicon cast irons, effects of magnesium and tellurium

Arenas de Modeo en Verde

Evolution of the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron during the Thermal Cycle of the Melt: Furnace – Ladle – Heating/Pouring Unit

Damping behaviour of high silicon nodular cast iron

Intermediate temperature brittleness of a high-silicon spheroidal graphite cast iron

junio 30, 2021

Método y composición de los aditivos para la preparación de la fundición dúctil, y la fundición dúctil que se obtiene por dicho método

Effect of Silicon on the Metastable Eutectic Temperature of Fe–C–Si Alloys

An adaptive approach to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of cast irons containing precipitated graphite particles with the help of magnetoacoustic emission

An Objective Metallographic Analysis Approach Based on Advanced Image Processing Techniques

Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Metastable versus stable solidification of silicon cast irons, effects of magnesium and tellurium

Arenas de Modeo en Verde

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