Solidification of Superfine Graphite Iron Revealed by Interrupted solidification Experiments

On the Nucleation of Graphite in Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron

On the crystallization of graphite from liquid iron-carbon-silicon Melts

Influencia del carbono, silicio, níquel y otros elementos de aleación sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal en bruto de colada

Understanding compacted graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

Effect of Cu, Mn and Sn on pearlite growth kinetics in as-cast ductile irons

On the stable eutectic solidification of iron-carbon-silicon alloys

Microstructure of As-cast Ferritic-pearlitic Nodular Cast Irons

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

New As-Cast Ductile Iron Raises Bar for Properties

Solidification of Superfine Graphite Iron Revealed by Interrupted solidification Experiments

On the Nucleation of Graphite in Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron

On the crystallization of graphite from liquid iron-carbon-silicon Melts

Influencia del carbono, silicio, níquel y otros elementos de aleación sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal en bruto de colada

Understanding compacted graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

Effect of Cu, Mn and Sn on pearlite growth kinetics in as-cast ductile irons

On the stable eutectic solidification of iron-carbon-silicon alloys

Microstructure of As-cast Ferritic-pearlitic Nodular Cast Irons

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

New As-Cast Ductile Iron Raises Bar for Properties

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