Growth of spheroidal graphite on nitride nuclei: disregistry and crystallinity during early growth

DigiMAT. Digital Materials for the Automotive Industry

EU funded project to develop Digital Materials for the automotive industry by connecting manufacturing/process data and the end characteristics of cast iron components.

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

Procedimiento para controlar el magnesio activo en hierro de fundición dúctil

Effect of Silicon and Graphite Degeneration on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ductile Cast Irons in Open Air

A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

Integration of a novel mechanical sand reclamation technology in a steel foundry to maximise SFS valorisation in foundry and construction applications

Growth of spheroidal graphite on nitride nuclei: disregistry and crystallinity during early growth

DigiMAT. Digital Materials for the Automotive Industry

EU funded project to develop Digital Materials for the automotive industry by connecting manufacturing/process data and the end characteristics of cast iron components.

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

junio 30, 2021

Procedimiento para controlar el magnesio activo en hierro de fundición dúctil

Effect of Silicon and Graphite Degeneration on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ductile Cast Irons in Open Air

A Comparative Study of Graphite Growth in Cast Iron and in Analogous Systems

Rapid determination of nodularity index in ductile cast iron production

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

Integration of a novel mechanical sand reclamation technology in a steel foundry to maximise SFS valorisation in foundry and construction applications

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