Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating

Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión de recargues con mezcla de polvo realizados mediante LMD

Influence of the Laser Deposited 316L Single Layers on Corrosion in Physiological Media

Probing the correlation between corrosion resistance and biofouling of thermally sprayed metallic substrata in the field

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

Desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones con propiedades mejoradas al creep y a la oxidación

Influence of graphite morphology on electrochemical corrosion behaviour in cast irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

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Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating

Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión de recargues con mezcla de polvo realizados mediante LMD

Influence of the Laser Deposited 316L Single Layers on Corrosion in Physiological Media

Probing the correlation between corrosion resistance and biofouling of thermally sprayed metallic substrata in the field

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  • Publicación

    Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research

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    Enara Mardaras

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

junio 29, 2021

Desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones con propiedades mejoradas al creep y a la oxidación

Influence of graphite morphology on electrochemical corrosion behaviour in cast irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

enero 21, 2021

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