Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Método de predicción de la estructura de una pieza moldeada en una aleación de aluminio

Método para la obtención de propiedades mecánicas mejoradas en fundición de aluminio reciclado libre de fases beta en forma de plaquetas

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Punta para reja de arado, proceso y molde de arena para su fabricación

Interface characterization of aluminium casting reinforced steel inserts

Comparative Study of Different Interfaces of Steel inserts in Aluminium Castings

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

junio 30, 2021

Método de predicción de la estructura de una pieza moldeada en una aleación de aluminio

junio 30, 2021

Método para la obtención de propiedades mecánicas mejoradas en fundición de aluminio reciclado libre de fases beta en forma de plaquetas

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Punta para reja de arado, proceso y molde de arena para su fabricación

Interface characterization of aluminium casting reinforced steel inserts

Comparative Study of Different Interfaces of Steel inserts in Aluminium Castings

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