Mechanical properties optimization of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron as a function of section size and holding time

Study of the corrosion behavior of CRA cladded high strength steel for offshore service

Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating

A sound vacuum system fully monitored to ensure the quality of the HPDC components

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión de recargues con mezcla de polvo realizados mediante LMD

Influence of the Laser Deposited 316L Single Layers on Corrosion in Physiological Media

Additive Manufactured inserts for Industry 4.0 HPDC Foundries

Comparative Study of the Metallurgical Quality of Primary and Secondary AlSi10MnMg Aluminium Alloys

Successive steps of growth of compacted graphite in cast irons

Mechanical properties optimization of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron as a function of section size and holding time

junio 29, 2021

Study of the corrosion behavior of CRA cladded high strength steel for offshore service

Simulation of hydrogen transport in ultra-high strength martensitic steels with zinc-nickel coating

A sound vacuum system fully monitored to ensure the quality of the HPDC components

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Estudio de la resistencia a la corrosión de recargues con mezcla de polvo realizados mediante LMD

Influence of the Laser Deposited 316L Single Layers on Corrosion in Physiological Media

Additive Manufactured inserts for Industry 4.0 HPDC Foundries

junio 29, 2021

Comparative Study of the Metallurgical Quality of Primary and Secondary AlSi10MnMg Aluminium Alloys

Successive steps of growth of compacted graphite in cast irons

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