Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de fundiciones con grafito laminar y esferoidal parcialmente modificadas con silicio en NaCl 0,03 M

Enhancing the stationary state prediction in Model Predictive Control systems to avoid Dross defect in heavy-section foundries

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Advanced sustainable foundry – Carbon balance and carbon footprint in foundry processes and foundry product cycles

Estabilidad austenítica de la fundición ADI en condiciones sub-cero

Caracterización de fractura en fundiciones de grafito esferoidal de última generación

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Effect of microalloying element addition on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of A356 secondary alloy with 0.30% Fe

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

Comportamiento frente a la corrosión de fundiciones con grafito laminar y esferoidal parcialmente modificadas con silicio en NaCl 0,03 M

Enhancing the stationary state prediction in Model Predictive Control systems to avoid Dross defect in heavy-section foundries

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

Advanced sustainable foundry – Carbon balance and carbon footprint in foundry processes and foundry product cycles

Estabilidad austenítica de la fundición ADI en condiciones sub-cero

Caracterización de fractura en fundiciones de grafito esferoidal de última generación

Improved precision in grain size prediction by thermal analysis and statistical analysis in aluminium castings

Microstructural features of primary and secondary ductile high pressure die casting alloys for the automotive industry

Effect of microalloying element addition on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of A356 secondary alloy with 0.30% Fe

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

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