Microstructure of As-cast Ferritic-pearlitic Nodular Cast Irons

Influence of deep cryogenic treatment routes on the mechanical behaviour of a Cr-Mo-V hot work tool steel

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis

New As-Cast Ductile Iron Raises Bar for Properties

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Processing Thickness Window for As-cast Ausferritic Castings

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments

Microstructure of As-cast Ferritic-pearlitic Nodular Cast Irons

Influence of deep cryogenic treatment routes on the mechanical behaviour of a Cr-Mo-V hot work tool steel

Un innovador sistema de predicción de defectos metalúrgicos en piezas de fundición, en tiempo real de fabricación

Study of Strontium fading in Al-Si-Mg and Al-Si-Mg-Cu alloy by thermal analysis

New As-Cast Ductile Iron Raises Bar for Properties

Heat treatment optimisation of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts fabricated by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Effect of microstructure and casting defects on the mechanical properties of secondary AlSi10MnMg(Fe) test parts manufactured by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology

Processing Thickness Window for As-cast Ausferritic Castings

junio 29, 2021

Advanced Properties of Ausferritic Ductile Iron Obtained in As-Cast Conditions

Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments

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