Quantitative analysis of the effect of inoculation and magnesium content on compacted graphite irons – Experimental approach

Effect of Magnesium on the Solid-State Nucleation and Growth of Graphite During Annealing of White Iron

Effect of titanium in the nucleation process of spheroidal and compacted graphite cast iron

Microstructure Changes During Solidification of Cast Irons: Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculation on Competitive Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Growth

Influencia de diferentes productos inoculantes sobre el poder de nucleación y la tendencia a la contracción de la fundición con grafito esferoidal

Comparison of hot craking susceptibility of TIG and laser beam welded alloy 718 by Varestraint testing

Forging residual heat exploitation feasibility for annealing treatments in space restricted lay-outs

Experimental validation of steel slag as thermal energy storage material in a 400 kWht prototype

Rediseño de componentes de sistema transportador de hornos basado en análisis de fallos: un caso de estudio

Chunky graphite in spheroidal graphite iron: Review of recent results and definition of an predicting index

Quantitative analysis of the effect of inoculation and magnesium content on compacted graphite irons – Experimental approach

Effect of Magnesium on the Solid-State Nucleation and Growth of Graphite During Annealing of White Iron

Effect of titanium in the nucleation process of spheroidal and compacted graphite cast iron

Microstructure Changes During Solidification of Cast Irons: Effect of Chemical Composition and Inoculation on Competitive Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Growth

Influencia de diferentes productos inoculantes sobre el poder de nucleación y la tendencia a la contracción de la fundición con grafito esferoidal

Comparison of hot craking susceptibility of TIG and laser beam welded alloy 718 by Varestraint testing

Forging residual heat exploitation feasibility for annealing treatments in space restricted lay-outs

Experimental validation of steel slag as thermal energy storage material in a 400 kWht prototype

Rediseño de componentes de sistema transportador de hornos basado en análisis de fallos: un caso de estudio

Chunky graphite in spheroidal graphite iron: Review of recent results and definition of an predicting index

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