Comparison of solidification kinetics of compacted and lamellar cast irons

Effect of the section size, holding temperature and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron

Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Effects of cobalt on mechanical properties of high silicon ductile irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

Reply to Comment on Stefanescu, D.M.; Alonso, G.; Suarez, R. Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys. Metals 2020, 10, 221

Comparison of solidification kinetics of compacted and lamellar cast irons

Effect of the section size, holding temperature and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron

Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Effects of cobalt on mechanical properties of high silicon ductile irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

Reply to Comment on Stefanescu, D.M.; Alonso, G.; Suarez, R. Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys. Metals 2020, 10, 221

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