Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Effects of cobalt on mechanical properties of high silicon ductile irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

Reply to Comment on Stefanescu, D.M.; Alonso, G.; Suarez, R. Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys. Metals 2020, 10, 221

Graphite Nucleation in Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys

Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio

Effects of cobalt on mechanical properties of high silicon ductile irons

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron

Modelling of compacted graphite cast iron solidification-Discussion of microstructure parameters

Effect of antimony on the nucleation process of spheroidal graphite iron

Reply to Comment on Stefanescu, D.M.; Alonso, G.; Suarez, R. Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys. Metals 2020, 10, 221

Graphite Nucleation in Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Recent Developments in Understanding Nucleation and Crystallization of Spheroidal Graphite in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys

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