Probing the correlation between corrosion resistance and biofouling of thermally sprayed metallic substrata in the field

Tensile properties and fracture toughness at service temperatures of an optimized pearlitic ductile iron alloy for automotive crankshafts

Ablation technology applied to A356 alloys compared with conventional casting processes

Estudio del efecto de inoculantes comerciales en la disminución de la micro-porosidad en componentes fundidos de hierro de alto silicio

Effect of the magnesium treatment on the nucleation potential of ductile iron

Combustion of a Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Produced from the Polymeric Fraction of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR)

New generation of digital material for automotive components

Influence of Minor Alloying Element Additions on the Crack Susceptibility of a Nickel Based Superalloy Manufactured by LPBF

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

Probing the correlation between corrosion resistance and biofouling of thermally sprayed metallic substrata in the field

  • Fecha de publicación


  • Publicación

    Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research

  • DOI


  • Tags

    Enara Mardaras

marzo 30, 2022

Tensile properties and fracture toughness at service temperatures of an optimized pearlitic ductile iron alloy for automotive crankshafts

junio 29, 2021

Ablation technology applied to A356 alloys compared with conventional casting processes

junio 29, 2021

Estudio del efecto de inoculantes comerciales en la disminución de la micro-porosidad en componentes fundidos de hierro de alto silicio

  • Fecha de publicación


  • Congreso

    125 MetalCasting Cogress (USA)

  • Tags


junio 29, 2021

Effect of the magnesium treatment on the nucleation potential of ductile iron

  • Publication data


  • Congress

    12th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron (Japan)

  • Tags


Combustion of a Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Produced from the Polymeric Fraction of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR)

New generation of digital material for automotive components

Influence of Minor Alloying Element Additions on the Crack Susceptibility of a Nickel Based Superalloy Manufactured by LPBF

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry

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