Formability study of 2198 aluminium alloy for hot stamping

On the effect of testing setups on Aluminum alloys Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement

Evolución de la tecnología de estampación en caliente: una revisión bibliométrica

Is Thermal Analysis Able to Provide Carbon and Silicon Contents of Cast Irons?

Gemelo Digital inteligente para estabilizar la arena de retorno sin el uso de enfriadores

Optimización del la composición química y el tratamiento de aleaciones 5XXX and 6XXX para la tecnología de HidroSolidificación

Influence of the Holding Time in the Heating/Pouring Unit on the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron

New ductile cast iron digital grades for automotive components

Melt Treatment Optimization of 5XXX and 6XXX Alloys for Ablation Technology

Towards the Prediction of Tensile Properties in Automotive Cast Parts Manufactured by LPDC with the A356.2 Alloy

Formability study of 2198 aluminium alloy for hot stamping

On the effect of testing setups on Aluminum alloys Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement

Evolución de la tecnología de estampación en caliente: una revisión bibliométrica

Is Thermal Analysis Able to Provide Carbon and Silicon Contents of Cast Irons?

Gemelo Digital inteligente para estabilizar la arena de retorno sin el uso de enfriadores

junio 29, 2021

Optimización del la composición química y el tratamiento de aleaciones 5XXX and 6XXX para la tecnología de HidroSolidificación

Influence of the Holding Time in the Heating/Pouring Unit on the Metallurgical Quality of Spheroidal Graphite Iron

New ductile cast iron digital grades for automotive components

junio 29, 2021

Melt Treatment Optimization of 5XXX and 6XXX Alloys for Ablation Technology

Towards the Prediction of Tensile Properties in Automotive Cast Parts Manufactured by LPDC with the A356.2 Alloy

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