H2Free. Modelling of Hydrogen effusion in electrochemically plated ultra-high-strength-steels

ReINTEGRA. Innovative End of Life procedures for REcycling INTEGRAl welded Al-Li Aerostructures

NEMARCO. New manufacturing routes (for NiCrSiFeB alloys) to replace cobalt in aircraft components.

HIPERMAT. Advanced design, monitoring, development and validation of novel HIgh PERformance MATerials and components

RIB-ON. Innovative Stamping Die for Aluminium Ribs Hot Stamping

REVaMP. Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

HIPERTURB. Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability

Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability

INEVITABLE. Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies

Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies.

DigiMAT. Digital Materials for the Automotive Industry

EU funded project to develop Digital Materials for the automotive industry by connecting manufacturing/process data and the end characteristics of cast iron components.

H2Free. Modelling of Hydrogen effusion in electrochemically plated ultra-high-strength-steels

ReINTEGRA. Innovative End of Life procedures for REcycling INTEGRAl welded Al-Li Aerostructures

NEMARCO. New manufacturing routes (for NiCrSiFeB alloys) to replace cobalt in aircraft components.

HIPERMAT. Advanced design, monitoring, development and validation of novel HIgh PERformance MATerials and components

RIB-ON. Innovative Stamping Die for Aluminium Ribs Hot Stamping

REVaMP. Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

Retrofitting equipment for efficient use of variable feedstock in metal making processes

HIPERTURB. Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability

Development of investment casting process of nickel superalloys with enhanced weldability

INEVITABLE. Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies

Optimization and performance improving in metal industry by digital technologies.

DigiMAT. Digital Materials for the Automotive Industry

EU funded project to develop Digital Materials for the automotive industry by connecting manufacturing/process data and the end characteristics of cast iron components.

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