Knowledge Hub
Encuentra los diferentes desarrollos tecnológicos, invenciones, materiales, casos de éxito, proyectos de investigación, capacitación… desarrollados por el equipo de AZTERLAN.
¿Qué buscas?
Desarrollos y capacidades:
Rethinking sustainability of metallic alloys
Los materiales metálicos avanzados son materiales complejos con composiciones muy diferentes. A medida que se integran en componentes, productos y
Development of New Hybrid Composites for High-Temperature Applications
Nowadays, in the automation and aircraft industries, there is a challenge in minimizing the weight of components of vehicles without
TREAT – Optimización de tratamientos térmicos (metodología)
Desarrollo de componentes TREAT tratamientos térmicos eficientes Metodología para el desarrollo de tratamientos térmicos optimizados Más información Diseño de tratamientos
Chemical Composition Effects on the Microstructure and Hot Hardness of NiCrSiFeB Self-Fluxing Alloys Manufactured via Gravity Casting
Ni-Cr-Si-Fe-B self-fluxing alloys are commonly used in hardfacing applications; in addition, they are subjected to conditions of wear, corrosion, and
Diseño experimental de ensayo de caracterización y validación de aceros de tubos a temperaturas criogénicas mediante Small Punch Test
El hidrógeno se considera un vector energético, es decir, un medio para almacenar y transportar energía. Sin embargo, el almacenamiento
Small Punch Test on Jominy Bars for High-Throughput Characterization of Quenched and Tempered Steel
Estudiar el efecto de los tratamientos térmicos de temple y revenido sobre el acero, más específicamente, analizar el efecto de
Graphite Spheroids – The Way they Grow
Graphite spheroids are one of the most intriguing forms of aggregation of graphite. They can be found as natural graphite
Graphite Spheroids – The Place where they are born
In the same way that a building needs a solid foundation to remain firm and stable, graphite requires proper nucleation
¿Ofrecen los END medidas reales de los defectos?
Una cuestión habitual que solemos recibir en el área de Ensayos No Destructivos de AZTERLAN es si los END convencionales
Protegido: Desarrollo de componentes estructurales de aluminio
No hay extracto porque es una entrada protegida.
Ultrasonic Atomization and L-DED Application of a custom tool steel
The main goal of this work is to manufacture and test a custom L-DED powder for improving wear resistance of
Metallic Powder Manufacture for Conditioning Cast Iron as an Additive Manufacturing Substrate
The main purpose of this work is to design and develop a metallic powder to use it as a paint
HTSTEELS – Aceros inoxidables super-refractarios
Nuevo material HTSteels Nueva familia de aceros inoxidables super-refractarios Tecnología patentada Resistencia mejorada al creep y a la corrosión Material
Hydrogen permeation testing parameter exploration for high-entropy alloys
Hydrogen permeation testing standards for metallic materials, such as ASTM G148 and ISO 17081, refer to the use of Devanathan-Stachursky
ZnNi coating on UHSS for aeronautical applications: effect of base material and coating’s microstructure on the degassing process for preventing hydrogen embrittlement
Ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) are currently used in applications where high mechanical loads are required as it is the case
Estimation of damage parameters for ductile fracture of Zn-Ni coated ultra-high strength 300M steel using a finite element model
Zinc-Nickel alloy coatings are being researched as a possible replacement for cadmium-based coatings because of the health and environmental concerns