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Desarrollos y capacidades:
Understanding Superfine Graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments
The tensile strength of near-eutectic gray iron can be increased from 230–300 to 300–345MPa, without a significant increase in hardness,
Aleaciones de alta entropía: ¡que viva el desorden!
Cuando estudiamos los materiales presentes en la naturaleza, nos damos cuenta de que estos existen fruto de un equilibrio tras
Effect of solution heat treatment on gas porosity and mechanical properties in a die cast step test part manufactured with a new AlSi10MnMg(Fe) secondary alloy
The effect of heat treatment on gas porosity and mechanical properties was investigated in a step test part manufactured by
Investigation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Quenchable High-Strength Steels in Hot Stamping
The interfacial heat transfer coefficient (IHTC) is determined in the industrial range of contact pressure applied during the hot stamping
A new secondary AlSi10MnMg (Fe) Alloy suitable for manufacturing of ductile Aluminium parts by vacuum assisted high pressure die casting technology
Vacuum assisted high pressure die castings (VPDC) with high ductility requirements are usually manufactured with primary AlSi10MnMg alloy. However, secondary
High performance cast parts. Advanced feeding systems for metallurgical optimization
Foundry sector, as a whole, has incorporated relevant technological advances into productive processes. Nevertheless, the specific field of feeding system
Explicando la Industria 4.0 a mi abuela
Actualmente, en los días que nos encontramos, es difícil que no acabe llegando a nuestros oídos algún anglicismo o palabra
Solidification of Superfine Graphite Iron Revealed by Interrupted solidification Experiments
The tensile strength of near-eutectic grey iron can be increased from 230–300 to 300–345 MPa, without a significant increase in
On the Nucleation of Graphite in Lamellar Graphite Cast Iron
Extensive research on graphite nucleation in lamellar graphite irons was conducted over the years, with many theories, more or less
On the crystallization of graphite from liquid iron-carbon-silicon Melts
Extensive SEM work was carried out on deep etched specimens to reveal the evolution of graphite shape in Fe–C–Si alloys
Influencia del carbono, silicio, níquel y otros elementos de aleación sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la fundición con grafito esferoidal en bruto de colada
Las fundiciones con grafito esferoidal de matriz totalmente ferrítica tienen gran interés debido a su homogeneidad estructural, alargamiento destacable y
Procedimiento para la predicción de las propiedades mecánicas de piezas obtenidas por fundición
Procedure that enables future mechanical properties to be determined based on real-time observation of the process variables; that allows an
“Fatiga de aceros de alta resistencia en medios marinos”
Las estructuras metálicas marinas, ya sean estáticas como las conducciones de gas, o dinámicas como los generadores mareomotrices, se encuentran
Understanding compacted graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments
While the manufacture of compacted graphite (CG) iron castings has seen significant expansion over the recent years, the growth of
Nuevas resinas para sistemas de moldeo furánicos, orientadas a la reducción de emisiones de formaldehido en planta
Las emisiones de sustancias químicas nocivas generadas por el uso de aglomerantes químicos, representan hoy en día uno de los
Effect of Cu, Mn and Sn on pearlite growth kinetics in as-cast ductile irons
In a previously published work, pearlite growth in cast irons was investigated and it was claimed that growth kinetics of