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Desarrollos y capacidades:

Revisiting Thermal Analysis of Hypereutectic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons
High silicon ductile irons are being developed due to their advantages relating to pearlitic-ferritic grades (high ductility, fully ferritic structures,

Desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones con propiedades mejoradas al creep y a la oxidación
Las demandas del mercado, en términos de rendimiento y de coste, obligan al continuo desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones metálicas con

Hopper-skeletal and hemispherical crystallization of graphite in iron–carbon–silicon alloys
The growth of graphite during solidification and solid-state transformation of Fe–C–Si alloys continues to be the subject of extensive research.

Influence of graphite morphology on electrochemical corrosion behaviour in cast irons
Cast irons are widely used in the automotive industry due to its excellent castability, fluidity, machinability and wear resistance. Industrial

Método mejorado para fabricar una herramienta de conformado
The present invention relates to a process for the manufacturing of a forming tool which comprises: providing a base steel

RIB-ON. Innovative Stamping Die for Aluminium Ribs Hot Stamping
Proyecto completado 0% 0 Fecha de inicio 0 Fecha fin Clean Sky 2 Programa de financiación 755793 Grant agreement number

Comparison of solidification kinetics of compacted and lamellar cast irons
Thermal analysis is largely used in cast-iron foundry shops as a means to check melt preparation before casting. It has

Aleación de alta entropía con alta resistencia al desgaste y su proceso de preparación
Esta invención presenta aleaciones de alta entropía que consisten en la siguiente composición, donde los porcentajes se expresan en peso

Un método para controlar la microestructura ausferrítica as-cast en piezas de fundición dúctil
A method to control the ausferritic as-cast microstructure in iron parts with sections of different thicknesses, which comprises: a) Calculate

Effect of the section size, holding temperature and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron
The present research work studies the effect of section size, holding temperature and time on the microstructure and mechanical properties

Efecto del afinamiento de grano y del modificado del Silicio eutéctico en el comportamiento del rechupe de la aleación AlSi9Cu3(Fe)
La aleación secundaria de aluminio AlSi9Cu3(Fe) es una de las aleaciones más utilizada a nivel mundial en la fundición de

Efecto del Cobalto en las propiedades mecánicas de las funciones de hierro con grafito esferoidal y alto contenido de Silicio
Recientemente, una nueva generación de fundiciones esferoidales con altos contenidos de Silicio ha despertado el interés de la industria mundial

Effects of cobalt on mechanical properties of high silicon ductile irons
High silicon ductile irons are being developed due to their advantages relating to pearlitic-ferritic grades (high ductility, fully ferritic structures,

Aleación híbrida de aluminio y bronce y su método de preparación
The present invention is encompassed within the sector of metallurgical industry. Particularly, it relates to a new aluminium bronze alloy

Surface modification of ductile iron produced by an innovative in-situ casting technique
In this study, a chromium carbide layer was fabricated by an in-situ casting technique on ductile iron cast components. The

90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron
Since its first literature mention in conjunction with cast iron in 1931 by Esser and Lautenbusch, thermal analysis (TA) has