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Desarrollos y capacidades:
Influence of Minor Alloying Element Additions on the Crack Susceptibility of a Nickel Based Superalloy Manufactured by LPBF
Inconel 738LC (IN738LC) is a nickel-based superalloy specially used in the hot section components of turbine engines. One of its
The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron
Sulfur, an element that belongs to group 16 (chalcogens) of the periodic table, is an excellent promoter of nucleation substrates
Influence of graphite morphology on the corrosion behaviour of cast irons for automotive industry
Cast irons are widely used in the automotive industry due to its excellent castability, fluidity, machinability and wear resistance. Particularly,
Modelización por diferencias finitas aplicada a la interpretación del agrietamiento asistido por hidrógeno utilizando ensayos virtuales de tracción a baja velocidad de deformación
Se han observado distintos patrones de agrietamiento inducido por hidrógeno en dos aceros pertenecientes al mismo grado para el fondeo
Improvement of the secondary aluminium metallurgical quality by means of an adequate melt treatment
This work has the purpose to demonstrate that if an adequate melt treatment is applied, it is possible to obtain
Integración del análisis automático en la determinación del tamaño de grano de los aceros
La evaluación y determinación del tamaño de grano en los aceros es fundamental dentro de la caracterización metalúrgica, dado que
Aceros de media aleación de baja densidad con aluminio y manganeso
The present invention is encompassed within the sector of metallurgical industry. Particularly, it relates to a new family of medium
When is a Cast Iron Eutectic?
The literature often mentions that cast irons that appear eutectic by thermal analysis are hypereutectic if one refers to the
Estudio del efecto de inoculantes comerciales en la disminución de la micro-porosidad en componentes fundidos de hierro de alto silicio
Las aleaciones de alto silicio han vivido un significativo auge en los últimos años debido a que presentan una estructura
Effect of the Type of Inoculant on the Shrinkage Porosity of High Silicon SG Iron
Las fundiciones de grafito esferoidal con alto contenido de silicio presentan desafíos significativos para la producción de piezas fundidas de
La ciencia detrás de KASANDRA®
Este artículo muestra los fundamentos científicos en los que se basa el software predictivo Kasandra®. Junto con ello se presenta
Calidad metalúrgica de los aceros para moldes de inyección de aluminio
El coste del acero de un molde representa una parte significativa del valor total de la herramienta. Dependiendo de la
Correction to: 90 years of thermal analysis as a control tool in the melting of cast iron
Since its first literature mention in conjunction with cast iron in 1931 by Esser and Lautenbusch, thermal analysis (TA) has
Weldability Evaluation of Alloy 718 Investment Castings with Different Si Contents and Thermal Stories and Hot Cracking Mechanism in Their Laser Beam Welds
In this work, weldability and hot cracking susceptibility of five alloy 718 investment castings in laser beam welding (LBW) were
Hot Stamping Research Scenarios from the Last Decade
Hot stamping technology has shown a significant scientific yield in the last decade. The research activity in that field has
Die Material Selection Criteria for Aluminum Hot Stamping
The aim of this work is to develop a die material selection criterion for aluminum hot stamping applications. The criterion