International Journal of Cast Metal Research, vol. 22
Aitor Loizaga, Aluminio, Ana Fernandez, Andrea Niklas, I+D+i, Jacques Lacaze, Materiales ligeros, Tecnologías de fundición
Evaluation of solidification kinetics by thermal analysis is a useful tool for quality control of Al–Si melts before pouring provided it is rapid and highly reproducible. Series of thermal analysis records made with standard cups are presented that show good reproducibility. They are evaluated using a Newton’s like approach to get the instantaneous heat evolution and from it solidification kinetics. An alternative way of calculating the zero line is proposed which is validated by the fact that the latent heat of solidification thus evaluated is within 5% of the value calculated from thermodynamic data. Solidification kinetics was found highly reproducible provided appropriate experimental conditions were achieved: high enough casting temperature for the cup to heat up to the metal temperature well before solidification starts; and equal and homogeneous temperatures of the metal and of the cup at any time in the temperature range used for integration.
Aitor Loizaga (AZTERLAN), Andrea Nikla (AZTERLAN), Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo (AZTERLAN), Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT)
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