ReINTEGRA. Innovative End of Life procedures for REcycling INTEGRAl welded Al-Li Aerostructures

Proyecto finalizado
Fecha de inicio

Clean Sky 2

Financiado por


grant agreement number

Fecha fin

Las tecnologías de soldadura son esenciales para reducir el peso del fuselaje de las aeronaves y pueden sustituir a los remaches en las estructuras aeronáuticas.

El proyecto ReINTEGRA, financiado con fondos europeos, se centrará en crear procedimientos de desmantelamiento y reciclaje de los paneles soldados integrales actualmente en desarrollo para las nuevas aeronaves ligeras.

El equipo investigador analizará diferentes técnicas de corte para reducir el tamaño y separar por completo todos los materiales y determinará cómo afectan estas técnicas a la reciclabilidad de las aleaciones de aluminio y litio. Las fracciones metálicas separadas se procesarán en una instalación de fusión piloto y las aleaciones metálicas producidas se caracterizarán para establecer una clasificación en términos de costes e impacto ambiental.

Nuevas vías de recuperación de aleaciones aeronáuticas soldadas mediante LBW y FSW.

Dra. Ana Isabel Fernández-Calvo
Dra. Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo

Responsable de Proyectos

Contenidos relacionados
reitengra project logo

Objetivos del proyecto

The main objetive of ReINTEGRA project is to define and demonstrate End of Life (EoL) procedures for recycling innovative reinforced panels manufactured using different Al-Li alloys, advanced welding technologies, as well as new Cr-free surface treatments and primers; by:

  • Making progress in the metallurgical understanding of recycling process
  • Evaluating the need to separate components or prepare the scrap prior to the recycling operation, suggesting procedures to scrap the panel
  • Validating experimentally the recycling potential of the alloys/coupons/panels, while advancing in the comprehension of the environmental impact of the EoL of these panels.

1) Investigate the recyclability of integral welded panels.

2) Develop a recycling compatibility software tool.

3) Develop innovative recycling methodologies for reinforced panels made of Al-Li alloys + advanced welding technologies + new Cr-free surface treatments, primers and top coats.

4) Define optimised EoL procedures for each type of “full” welded panel, based on results of environmental & cost screening of the several scrapping and recycling routes applicable.

5) Valorise old scrap to obtain premium quality aeronautical grades and avoid downcycling.

6) Contribute to reduction of CO2 emissions in the manufacture of fuselage panels through closed-loop recycling using EoL recycled content to produce Al-Li alloys = 95% E saving vs aluminium primary production + savings from recovering other alloying elements (Li, Ag, Zr, Cu, etc.).

7) Reduce losses in various material loops (Al, Li, Ag, Cu…) by increasing their end-of-life recycling input rate in aerospace applications  conservation of natural resources in a circular economy approach.

8) Provide designers with a smart tool to support future eco-design  best suitable type of coatings, welding fillers & technologies and Al-Li alloys to reduce overall environmental impact of integral welded Al-Li structures (environmental profile at EoL).

9) Reduced dependency on primary raw materials by reintroducing EoL materials.

10) Reduction of global recycling costs and environmental impact not only airframe structures; also other welded Al-Li structures & alloys.

11) To increase industrial competitiveness of transport sector at European level by developing more sustainable and technological advanced aircraft with new disassembly and recycling strategies.

Consorcio del proyecto


Actividad y recursos del proyecto

clean sky europe

This project is funded under the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) with the grant agreement Nº 886609.
The JU receives support from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members.


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