20th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics
Aceros, Garikoitz Artola, I+D+i, Ibon Miguel, Tecnologías de conformado
The study of mechanical properties in cryogenic conditions with traditional methods implies a large volume of material to be cooled. Miniaturized testing techniques allow mechanical characterization involving smaller material volumes, reducing the amount of liquefied gas employed to achieve the required cryogenic temperatures. In this work, a design evolution of small punch test (SPT) tooling and a cryogenic tank was selected to study the mechanical properties of 304L and 316L stainless steels materials at -196ºC. The miniature test specimens have 8 mm in diameter and 0.5 mm thickness. The differences between traditional methods like tensile test and the SPT for cryogenic test are discussed.
Ibon Miguel (AZTERLAN), Garikoitz Artola (AZTERLAN), Marcelo Lopez-Belver (TUBOS REUNIDOS GROUP), Carlos Angulo (UPV/EHU)
small punch test, temperaturas criogénicas, acero inoxidable, gas líquido, propiedades mecánicas.
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