Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Doru Stefanescu, Galda teknologiak, Gorka Alonso
While turbostratic graphite is documented in many forms of graphite, there is a paucity of information on its contribution to the crystallization of spheroidal graphite (SG) in cast iron. SAD on SG and discussion of deep-etched SEM samples, demonstrates that it is an integral part of the crystallization sequence of SG. It is found in the core region, but also in the outer shell. This imposes a reevaluation of current theories of SG crystallization.
Doru Michael Stefanescu (The University of Alabama and The Ohio State University), Tomasz Tokarski (AGH University of Science and Technology), Gorka Alonso, Marcin Górny (AGH University of Science and Technology), Ramón Suárez
Solidotze prozesua, kristalizazioa, grafito esferoidala.
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