Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A., vol. 44
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Jacques Lacaze, Jon Sertucha
To study the formation of chunky graphite (CHG) in heavy section castings, 68 nodular cast irons of both pearlitic and ferritic grades were cast in cubic blocks 30 cm in edge. The volume fraction of the blocks affected by this degenerate graphite was quantified and related to the chemical analysis of the materials by means of a multivariate analysis. For the composition domain investigated, the effects of Ce, Cu, La, P, Sb, and Sn were statistically established with a high R 2 correlation coefficient.
Jon Sertucha, Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT), Susana Armendariz, Pello Larrañaga
Burdina urtua, burdina harikorra, lur arraroak, burdina nodularra, grafito lodia
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