Materials Science Forum (vol. 765)
Aluminio galdaketa, Aluminioa, Ana Fernandez, Andrea Niklas, B+G+i, Galda teknologiak, Ibon Lizarralde
In this present work, an assessment of eutectic modification based on thermal analysis was performed on modified A356 alloy. The effect of various cooling rates which were achieved by means of casting samples with various moduli in sand and metallic moulds was investigated. Cooling curves recorded from thermocouples inserted in the centre of the samples showed characteristic undercooling and recalescence associated with (Al)-Si eutectic modification. The results showed that cooling rate has a role in observed modification level. Furthermore, differential thermal analysis was included to determine the eutectic melting temperature
Deni Ferdian (Universitas Indonesia), Jacques Lacaze (CIRIMAT), Ibon Lizarralde, Andrea Niklas, Ana Isabel Fernández Calvo.
A356 aluminio-aleazioa, analisi termiko diferentziala, aldaketa eutektikoa, analisi termikoa
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