The present invention is encompassed within the sector of metallurgical industry. Particularly, it relates to a new aluminium bronze alloy with a good balance between corrosion resistance, heat transfer and wear resistance useful in different applications such as marine propellers, bearings, gears, bushes pumps, heat exchangers components. The new aluminium bronze alloy comprises a hybrid structure of an aluminium bronze matrix with dispersed microprecipitates of a martensitic stainless steel. The new aluminium bronze alloy may be submitted to a thermochemical surface treatment process by which its hardness is improved rendering a thermochemically surface treated aluminium bronze alloy of the invention. The present invention also relates to a method for the manufacturing of the mentioned new aluminium bronze alloys.
Fernando Santos, Asier Bakedano, Ana I. Fernández, Ibon Lizarralde.
Aluminio aleazio berria, propietate hobetuak, korrosioarekiko erresistentzia, higadurarekiko erresistentzia, bero-transferentzia, aluminio brozeren aleazioa, aleazio hibridoa.
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