4. edizioa
Gaztelania edo Ingelera
B+G+i, Burdin-galdaketa, Galda teknologiak, Jon Sertucha, Ramón Suarez
In this manual, which is oriented to be an efficient tool in the hands of foundries, aspects related to sands and molding methods are addressed with a view to achieving the following objectives:
If reading this manual encourages foundries to give sand and molds the same attention they pay to iron in order to achieve parts of proven quality, significant progress will have been made in the quality of the products manufactured in the sector and an improvement in the competitiveness of our companies.
This manual does not address the problem of all sands, since the molding procedure with chemically bonded sands is becoming increasingly important and its field of application is becoming more and more extensive. Precisely for this reason it has been decided to treat the two techniques separately so that chemically agglomerated sands will be the subject of a second manual.
Modelkatze areak, moldekatze berdea, fabrikazio akatsak, galdaketa prozesua, galdaketa areen kalitatea.
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