Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Evolution of shrinkage with carbon equivalent and inoculation in ductile cast irons

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Effect of Tin on the Phase Transformations of Cast Irons

Chunky graphite formation in ductile cast irons: Effect of silicon, carbon and rare earths

Statistical study to determine the effect of carbon, silicon, nickel and other alloying elements on the mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic ductile irons

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

As-cast high silicon ductile irons with optimised mechanical properties and remarkable fatigue properties

As cast high silicon ductile irons with optimised mechanical properties and remarkable fatigue properties

Some paradoxical observations about spheroidal graphite degeneracy

Solidification and Room Temperature Microstructure of a Fully Pearlitic Compacted Graphite Cast Iron

Evolution of shrinkage with carbon equivalent and inoculation in ductile cast irons

Combined effects of cooper and tin at intermediate level of manganese on the structure and properties of as-cast nodular graphite cast iron

Effect of Tin on the Phase Transformations of Cast Irons

March 30, 2022

Chunky graphite formation in ductile cast irons: Effect of silicon, carbon and rare earths

Statistical study to determine the effect of carbon, silicon, nickel and other alloying elements on the mechanical properties of as-cast ferritic ductile irons

Improved grain size prediction in aluminium-silicon alloys by thermal analysis

As-cast high silicon ductile irons with optimised mechanical properties and remarkable fatigue properties

As cast high silicon ductile irons with optimised mechanical properties and remarkable fatigue properties

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Manten zaitez AZTERLANeko informazioez eguneratuta

Jarri kontaktuan Andoni-rekin

Contacta con Ramón

Jarri kontaktuan Xabierrekin

Jarri kontaktuan Maider Muro-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Urko de la Torre-rekin.

Contacta con Dra. Anna Regordosa

Jarri kontaktuan Aitor Loizaga-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Anderrekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Juan J. Bravo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Garcia-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Jose Ramon-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Oihana-rekin.

Mantendu AZTERLANeko berrien adi

Jarri kontaktuan David-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Ibonekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Hegoirekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Itziarrekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Erikarekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Beñatekin.

Jarri kontaktuan John-ekin

Jarri kontaktuan José Javier-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Andrearekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Janirerekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Clararekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Nagorerekin

Jarri kontaktuan Gorkarekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Emilirekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Jonekin.

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Zein da zure erronka?

Partekatu zure erronka gure lantaldearekin. Hitz egiteak irtenbide posibleetara hurbildu baino ezin gaitzake egin.