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Experimental evidence of metallurgical modification associated to chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron castings

Thermal analysis of the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section spheroidal graphite iron parts

Effect of antimony and cerium on the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section castings of near-eutectic spheroidal graphite irons

Experimental evidence of metallurgical modification associated to chunky graphite in heavy section ductile iron castings

Thermal analysis of the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section spheroidal graphite iron parts

Effect of antimony and cerium on the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section castings of near-eutectic spheroidal graphite irons

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Jarri kontaktuan Xabierrekin

Jarri kontaktuan Maider Muro-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Urko de la Torre-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Anna Regordosa-rekin

Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Ander Areitioaurtena-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Juan J. Bravo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Garcia-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Jose Ramon-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Oihana-rekin.

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