Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Metastable versus stable solidification of silicon cast irons, effects of magnesium and tellurium

The effect of the substitution of Silicon by Aluminum on the properties of lamellar graphite iron

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

Understanding Superfine Graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration

Metastable versus stable solidification of silicon cast irons, effects of magnesium and tellurium

June 29, 2021

The effect of the substitution of Silicon by Aluminum on the properties of lamellar graphite iron

The Role of Selenium on the Formation of Spheroidal Graphite in Cast Iron

Surface modification of a cast iron with spheroidal graphite using duplex Steel

The effect of the substitution of silicon by aluminium on the mechanical properties of gray iron

Understanding Superfine Graphite iron solidification through interrupted solidification experiments

Understanding Superfine Graphite Iron Solidification Through Interrupted Solidification Experiments

Effect of Carbon Equivalent and Alloying Elements on the Tensile Properties of Superfine Interdendritic Graphite Irons

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Jarri kontaktuan Dr. Rodolfo González-Martínez-ekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Anderrekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Aristondo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan Juan J. Bravo-rekin.

Jarri kontaktuan David Garcia-rekin.

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