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L-DED numerical model for sensor embedding
Sensor integration is one of the drivers in modern industry for obtaining real-time data and enabling transition to
Burdinurtu harikorra prestatzeko metodoa eta konposizio gehigarria eta metodo horren bidez lor daitekeen burdinurtu harikorra
The present invention relates to a method for preparing ductile cast iron, comprising the steps of (a) melting
Creeparen aurreko erresistentzia altudun altzairu hedoilgaitzak (super-erregogorrak)
The present invention is encompassed within the ferrous metals processing industry. Particularly, it relates to a new family
Effect of Silicon on the Metastable Eutectic Temperature of Fe–C–Si Alloys
An attempt has been made to establish experimentally the temperature along the metastable eutectic in the Fe–C–Si system,
An adaptive approach to non-destructive evaluation (NDE) of cast irons containing precipitated graphite particles with the help of magnetoacoustic emission
Physical properties of cast irons strongly depend on both their microstructure and the presence of casting defects. The
An Objective Metallographic Analysis Approach Based on Advanced Image Processing Techniques
Metallographic analyses of nodular iron casting methods are based on visual comparisons according to measuring standards. Specifically, the
Influence of the casting process on corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 aluminium alloy in different conditions of pH and NaCl concentration
Corrosion behaviour of 2024-T6 castings produced by sand mould and metallic mould has been studied in media with
Workshop: “Novel high performance materials and components”
Energy intensive industries require a radical transformation of their production processes to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Future
Metastable versus stable solidification of silicon cast irons, effects of magnesium and tellurium
Cast iron is a material with a unique combination of design flexibility, mechanical properties, wear resistance, recyclability, low
Moldekatze berdeko hareak
In this manual, which is oriented to be an efficient tool in the hands of foundries, aspects related
Friction Stir Weldability at High Welding Speed of Two Structural High Pressure Die Casting Aluminum Alloys
In this work, the friction stir weldability of two structural high-pressure die casting aluminum alloys designed to manufacture
New Approach to Develop Ductile Cast Iron Digital Grade for Automotive Components
This research work demonstrates that new cast iron materials can be developed aided by an expert digital twin
Workshop: “Bigarren mailako altzairua eta aluminioa”
Material metalikoak berreskuratzea eta berrerabiltzea funtsezko lan-esparrua da industria metal-mekanikoaren eta bere sektore bezeroen iraunkortasuna hobetzeko. 2022ko Basque
Density change upon solidification of silicon cast irons
Amongst the possible defects that can appear during casting, voids due to solidification shrinkage is certainly the most
On the crystallography of the Mg–Si–Al nitride nuclei and of the graphite/nitride interface in spheroidal graphite iron
The role of Mg–Si–Al nitrides in the nucleation of low-sulfur spheroidal graphite Fe–C–Si alloys has been previously documented.
Utilization of steel slag as mold material for green molding castings to minimize silica dust in foundry process
The feasibility of black steel slag as mold material in sand casting, either as full or as partial