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Aurkitu AZTERLANeko lan-taldeak sortutako teknologiak, materialak eta diseminazio ekintzak.
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Altzairu herdoilgaitzezko estaldura gehigarri bat prestatzeko metodoa
Asmakuntza hau altzairu herdoilgaitzezko estaldura gehigarria lortzeko metodo bati dagokio, estaldura-prozesu bakar batean utzita. Asmakuntza honen metodoak diluzio-efektua
Hidrogenoaren iragazketa
SAIAKUNTZA AURRERATUA HIDROGENOAREN IRAGAZKETA Hidrogenoak eragindako fragilizazioaren aurrean erresistentzia gehiago duten materialak garatzeko ikerketa gakoa Informazio gehiago Ekidin
Rethinking sustainability of metallic alloys
Advanced metallic materials are complex materials with very differents composition. As they are integrated into components, products and
Development of New Hybrid Composites for High-Temperature Applications
Nowadays, in the automation and aircraft industries, there is a challenge in minimizing the weight of components of
TREAT – Tratamendu termikoen optimizazioa (metodologia)
Fabrikazio eraginkorra TREAT tratamendu termiko eraginkorrak Tratamendu termiko optimizatuak garatzeko metodologia Informazio gehiago Tratamendu termiko iraunkorren diseinua, osagaien
Chemical Composition Effects on the Microstructure and Hot Hardness of NiCrSiFeB Self-Fluxing Alloys Manufactured via Gravity Casting
Ni-Cr-Si-Fe-B self-fluxing alloys are commonly used in hardfacing applications; in addition, they are subjected to conditions of wear,
Hodien altzairuak tenperatura kriogenikoetan karakterizatzeko eta baliozkotzeko saiakuntza-diseinu esperimentala, Small Punch Test bidez
Lan honetan, soldadurarik gabeko hodien materialak hidrogeno likidoaren tenperaturan karakterizatzeko eta baliozkotzeko saiakuntza baten diseinu esperimentala laburbiltzen da,
Small Punch Test on Jominy Bars for High-Throughput Characterization of Quenched and Tempered Steel
Studying the effect of quench and tempering heat treatments on steel, more specifically screening the effect of the
Graphite Spheroids – The Way they Grow
Graphite spheroids are one of the most intriguing forms of aggregation of graphite. They can be found as
Graphite Spheroids – The Place where they are born
In the same way that a building needs a solid foundation to remain firm and stable, graphite requires
Trater Day 2023
Aurkezpenak Aplicaciones industriales asistidas por láser Dr. Igor Alexander. Application Solution Manager, MONOCROM Descargar El Tratamiento Térmico
Saiakuntza Ez-Suntsitzaileek akatsen benetako neurriak eskaintzen dituzte?
AZTERLANen Saiakuntza Ez-Suntsitzaileen sailean jaso ohi dugun ohiko galdera da ea SES konbentzionalek barneko zein kanpoko akatsen benetako
Neurrira egindako L-DED erreminta altzairu baten atomizazio ultrasonikoa eta aplikazioa
The main goal of this work is to manufacture and test a custom L-DED powder for improving wear
Metallic Powder Manufacture for Conditioning Cast Iron as an Additive Manufacturing Substrate
The main purpose of this work is to design and develop a metallic powder to use it as
HTSTEELS – Altzairu herdoilgaitz super-erregogorrak
Material berria HTSteels Altzairu herdoilgaitz super-erregogor familia berria Patentez babestutako teknologia Creeparen eta neke termikoaren aurreko erresistentzia hobea
Hydrogen permeation testing parameter exploration for high-entropy alloys
Hydrogen permeation testing standards for metallic materials, such as ASTM G148 and ISO 17081, refer to the use