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Aluminio birziklatuaren galdaketan propietate mekaniko hobetuak lortzeko metodoa, plateo formako beta faserik gabe
The present invention relates to aluminum alloys, more particularly, it relates to aluminum alloy castings suitable as components,
Mazarota txertagarriaren oinarria, harea-moldea, mazarota txertagarriaren oinarriaz eta harea-moldeaz osatutako moldekatze-gailua eta moldekatzeko gailua lortzeko prozedura
La base de mazarota es un inserto obtenido por moldeo manual o por soplado de una composición aislante
Golde-burdin sarerako punta, prozesua eta harea-moldea, fabrikatzeko
The tip has at least one leading edge and is secured to the forwardmost part of a plough
Gray cast iron with superfine graphite, high primary austenite fraction and optimized mechanical properties
The present invention describes a flake graphitic cast iron with a chemical composition which allows obtaining superfine graphite
Probeta para la caracterización de materiales de fundición
Test tube for the characterization of casting materials, characterized in that it comprises two tie-down areas at both
Method for predicting spheroidisation degree in defined zones of spheroidal graphitic cast iron pieces
The invention relates to a method which specifically allows predicting the degree of spheroidization in any specific area
Prediction system for the graphitization index in specific areas of vermicular graphitic cast iron pieces
The method for predicting the degree of vermicularity (%) of pieces of vermicular graphite cast iron of the
Method for designing feeding systems of cast iron pieces
The invention relates to a method for designing optimized feeding systems of cast iron pieces. It is based
Crisol para análisis térmico de metales fundidos
Crucible for thermal analysis of molten metals, characterized in that it comprises, in combination, a crucible, where the
Galdaketa grafitiko esferoidal baten hurrupadura-joera zehazteko metodoa
Método para la determinación de la tendencia al rechupe de una fundición grafítica esferoidal. Esta invención se refiere
Tximinia mazarota
La mazarota es un almacén de metal que se adjunta a las piezas con objeto de compensar el