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Dentsitate bajuko eta aleazio ertaineko altzairu aleatuak alumioarekin eta manganesoarekin
The present invention is encompassed within the sector of metallurgical industry. Particularly, it relates to a new family
Burdinurtuzko aleazio baten karbono baliokidearen edukia zehazteko metodoa, konposizio hipereutektikoa eta hori gauzatzeko tresneria dituena.
The invention relates to a methodology based on thermal analyisis to determine the carbon equivalent content of a
Konformazio-erreminta bat fabrikatzeko metodo hobetua
The present invention relates to a process for the manufacturing of a forming tool which comprises: providing a
High wear resistant high entropy alloy and preparation thereof
The present invention discloses high entropy alloys that consist of the following composition, wherein the percentages are expressed
Mikroegitura ausferritikoa kontrolatzeko metodo bat burdinazko pieza harikorretan.
A method to control the ausferritic as-cast microstructure in iron parts with sections of different thicknesses, which comprises:
A hybrid aluminium bronze alloy and its preparation method
The present invention is encompassed within the sector of metallurgical industry. Particularly, it relates to a new aluminium
Method and device for obtaining and testing properties of sand casting mold
The present invention relates to a method for evaluating the mechanical properties of sand molds which comprises subjecting,
Altzairuaren beroko estanpazioan zehar itzalketa monitorizatzeko sistema eta metodoa
A system and method of quenching monitoring during steel hot stamping is presented, based on real-time measurements of
Device and method for improved cooling of a metallic alloy in a sand mold
The device comprises a sand mold with an inner cavity fillable with a metallic alloy to be solidified
Plaketa formako beta faserik gabeko aluminio birziklatuzko moldeaketetan propietate mekaniko hobetuak lortzeko metodoa
Un proceso para la preparación de una aleación de aluminio que contiene hierro, libre de fase beta con
Burdina urtuzko magnesio aktiboa kontrolatzeko metodoa
The present invention relates to a method for controlling if the amount of active magnesium in a treated
Procedure for predicting the mechanical properties of pieces obtained by casting
Procedure that enables future mechanical properties to be determined based on real-time observation of the process variables; that
Aluminio aleazioko pieza moldeatu baten egituraren aurreikuspen-metodoa
The invention relates to a method for predicting at least one first characteristic parameter of a structure of
AZ Optimizer
fABRIKAZIO AURRERATUA Thermolan® Metalurtuaren metalurgia-kalitatea ziurtatzeko lanabesa Grafito esferoidaleko, grafito laminarreko eta grafito trinkoko burdinaren galdaketaren kalitatea ziurtatzeko
Burdin harikor ausferritikoa as-cast ekoizteko metodoa.
The present invention discloses a method for the manufacturing of ausferritic ductile iron alloy which comprises the following
Burdinurtu pieza bat fabrikatzeko metodoa eta fabrikatutako pieza
The present invention describes a method for manufacturing a spheroidal pearlitic cast iron part which comprises: preparing an