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Análisis del proceso de solidificación en fundiciones grafíticas esferoidales
The interest about all the physical and chemical phenomena related with ductile iron solidification processes have increased due
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Prediction of solid state structure based on eutectic and eutectoid transformation parameters in spheroidal graphite irons
The aim of the present work is to predict experimentally the structural trend of liquid iron based on
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Galda-osagarrien fabrikazioan erabiltzen diren material inorganikoak
Galdaketa osagarriak fabrikatzeko teknikak belaunaldiz belaunaldi transmititutako artea izan dira duela urte gutxi arte. Hala ere, fabrikatutako materialen
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Magneto-structural studies and thermal analysis of the 4-aminopyridinium tetrabromocuprate(II) monohydrate
Dark violet crystals suitable for X-ray analysis of the complex (4-apyH)2[Cu-Br4] ∗d H2O, where 4-apyH+ is 4-aminopyridinium, were