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Aurkitu AZTERLANeko lan-taldeak sortutako teknologiak, materialak eta diseminazio ekintzak.
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Crisol para análisis térmico de metales fundidos
Crucible for thermal analysis of molten metals, characterized in that it comprises, in combination, a crucible, where the
Advanced fault prediction in high-precision foundry production
Microshrinkages are known as probably the most difficult defects to avoid in high-precision foundry due to the large
Advanced predictions tools, foundry process control and knowledge management for irons castings
It is well known that the large number of variables that interact during the foundry process bring about
Metallurgical defects generated by the presence of gases in the molten metal
The study of the metallurgical evolution of different chemical elements related to the manfuacture of poured casting provides
Iron castings Advanced prediction tools, foundry process control and knowledge management
It is well known that the large number of variables that interact during the foundry process bring about
A Computer-Aided System for Melt Quality and Shrinkage Propensity Evaluation Based on the Solidification Process of Ductile Iron
The present work develops a new method for pre-evaluating melt quality of ductile irons and for predicting their
Moldekatzerako aluminiozko aleazioak (1. atala)
Argitalpen honen helburua da aluminioa eraldatzeko prozesuen inguruan mugitzen diren ingeniariei eta langileei eskuliburua eskaintzea. Likido-egoeran dagoen metalaren
Effect of mould inoculation on the formation of chunky graphite in heavy-section spheroidal graphite cast iron parts
The manufacturing process of heavy section ductile iron castings is strongly influenced by the risk of graphite degeneration
Galdaketa grafitiko esferoidal baten hurrupadura-joera zehazteko metodoa
Método para la determinación de la tendencia al rechupe de una fundición grafítica esferoidal. Esta invención se refiere
Safety cast components for the automotive industry. The metallic charge, the presence of micro elements and their most relevant effects
The Automotive Industry keeps on demanding increasing requirements to the cast components. The critical situation generated by the
Influencia de las condiciones de moldeo y las características de los moldes sobre la formación de defectos de contracción en piezas de fundición esferoidal
Tradicionalmente, la aparición de rechupes en las piezas fabricadas con fundiciones grafíticas se ha relacionado con los procesos
Tximinia mazarota
La mazarota es un almacén de metal que se adjunta a las piezas con objeto de compensar el
Análisis del proceso de solidificación en fundiciones grafíticas esferoidales
The interest about all the physical and chemical phenomena related with ductile iron solidification processes have increased due
Prediction of solid state structure based on eutectic and eutectoid transformation parameters in spheroidal graphite irons
The aim of the present work is to predict experimentally the structural trend of liquid iron based on
Galda-osagarrien fabrikazioan erabiltzen diren material inorganikoak
Galdaketa osagarriak fabrikatzeko teknikak belaunaldiz belaunaldi transmititutako artea izan dira duela urte gutxi arte. Hala ere, fabrikatutako materialen
Protected: Ni-Ti metal-hauts atomizatuak pintura erreaktiboan erabiltzeko
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