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Thermal analysis applied to estimation of solidification kinetics of Al-Si aluminium alloys
Evaluation of solidification kinetics by thermal analysis is a useful tool for quality control of Al–Si melts before

Control del contenido de carbono a lo largo del proceso de fabricación de discos de freno de alto carbono
Las propiedades físicas de los discos de freno de alto carbono se encuentran fuertemente afectadas por el contenido

Effect of antimony on the eutectic reaction of heavy-section spheroidal graphite castings
There is a strong demand for heavy section castings made of spheroidal graphite with a fully ferritic matrix,

Method for designing feeding systems of cast iron pieces
The invention relates to a method for designing optimized feeding systems of cast iron pieces. It is based

Results prediction in industrial processes. A control tool based on the Knowledge
The difficulties involved in most metallurgical processes are well known, specially when the number of factors that act

Thermal analysis of the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section spheroidal graphite iron parts
Analysis of cooling curves recorded at the centre of large blocks cast with near-eutectic spheroidal graphite cast irons

Effect of antimony and cerium on the formation of chunky graphite during solidification of heavy-section castings of near-eutectic spheroidal graphite irons
Thermal analysis is applied to the study of the formation of chunky graphite (CHG) in heavy-section castings of

Efficient failure-free foundry production
A Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a system designed to control a production plant. These systems are composed

Desarrollo de un software para la predicción de la densidad grafítica y el riesgo de formación de Grafito Chunky en piezas de módulo térmico elevado
Durante los últimos años el sector eólico ha experimentado un gran desarrollo, proponiendo nuevos retos a las empresas

Influence of treatments using different magnesium ferroalloys on the melt quality and the solidification processes of ductile of ductile irons
In this work the metallurgical consequences of treatments applied on ductile irons using ferroalloys with differentmagnesium contents are

Crisol para análisis térmico de metales fundidos
Crucible for thermal analysis of molten metals, characterized in that it comprises, in combination, a crucible, where the

Advanced fault prediction in high-precision foundry production
Microshrinkages are known as probably the most difficult defects to avoid in high-precision foundry due to the large

Advanced predictions tools, foundry process control and knowledge management for irons castings
It is well known that the large number of variables that interact during the foundry process bring about

Metallurgical defects generated by the presence of gases in the molten metal
The study of the metallurgical evolution of different chemical elements related to the manfuacture of poured casting provides

Iron castings Advanced prediction tools, foundry process control and knowledge management
It is well known that the large number of variables that interact during the foundry process bring about

A Computer-Aided System for Melt Quality and Shrinkage Propensity Evaluation Based on the Solidification Process of Ductile Iron
The present work develops a new method for pre-evaluating melt quality of ductile irons and for predicting their