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Design of a mould for the study of the relationship between thermal analysis results and microstructure of aluminium alloy A357 in investment casting
Melt treatment of aluminium alloys is essential for optimizing their mechanical properties. Thermal analysis methods usually used as
Effect of selected alloying elements on mechanical properties of pearlitic nodular cast irons
There is a continuous demand for low-cost nodular cast irons with improved mechanical properties, this being an industrial
Microstructure investigation of small section nodular iron castings with chunky graphite
Parameters that affect chunky graphite formation in heavy-section castings have been studied in previous works which showed that
Mechanical properties optimization of alloys AlSi7Mg casting in sand moulds
MechanicalpropertiesoptimizationofalloysAlSi7MgcastinginsandmouldsAbstractIn the present work the mechanical properties of the alloy AlSi7Mg were studied in order to choose a
Durangaldeko airearen kalitatearen kontrola
Gaur, Durangaldean kalean egindako airearen kalitatea kontrolatzeko kanpainen emaitzak aurkeztu nahi ditugu: Aste Berdearekin eta Mugikortasun Iraunkorraren Europako
Experimental investigation on the effect of copper upon eutectoid transformation of as-cast and austenitized spheroidal graphite cast iron
Copper is known as a pearlite promoter in cast iron and has been used as such for a
Thermal analysis as a microstructure prediction tool for A356 aluminium parts solidified under various cooling conditions
Thermal analysis performed with standard cups has been used since decades for melt control and microstructure prediction before
Thermal and structural studies about the solidification process of grey cast irons
The grey iron casting manufacture is an industrial process extendly used today. Therefore, the study of the solidification
Comparison of thermal analysis and differential thermal analysis for evaluating solid fraction evolution during solidification of Al-Si alloys
Both thermal analysis (TA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) have been used since long to evaluate latent heat
Carbon content control during the production process of high carbon brake discs
The physical properties of high carbon brake discs are strongly affected by the content of this element, including
Effect of Carbon Equivalent on Graphite Formation in Heavy-Section Ductile Iron Parts
The influence of post-inoculation and of cerium and antimony additions on the solidification process and on the formation
Experimental investigation of chunky graphite formation in small-section ductile iron castings
The formation of chunky graphite has generally been related to the thermal centre of heavy – section iron
Thermal analysis applied to estimation of solidification kinetics of Al-Si aluminium alloys
Evaluation of solidification kinetics by thermal analysis is a useful tool for quality control of Al–Si melts before
Control del contenido de carbono a lo largo del proceso de fabricación de discos de freno de alto carbono
Las propiedades físicas de los discos de freno de alto carbono se encuentran fuertemente afectadas por el contenido
Effect of antimony on the eutectic reaction of heavy-section spheroidal graphite castings
There is a strong demand for heavy section castings made of spheroidal graphite with a fully ferritic matrix,
Method for designing feeding systems of cast iron pieces
The invention relates to a method for designing optimized feeding systems of cast iron pieces. It is based